Last night was an unexpected really fun night. After doing laundry all day, BF and I decided to go grab dinner at Bar Abilene in Uptown. While walking to the restaurant, we spotted one of BF’s good friends and co-workers out on his balcony, less than a block from Abilene. BF called him just to say we saw him, but then he invited us up to cook dinner with him and his girlfriend, as well as watch some HBO. We agreed.
After an extensive (and expensive) shopping trip to Lunds, and a stop by Rainbow to grab a special stir-fry bowl, we were ready to cook. I was in charge of peeling the carrots, which proved to be harder than I thought minus a peeler. A glass of wine and some sautéing later, we were enjoying really tasty home cooked stir fry, followed by brownies and ice cream.
Midway through the meal, both of BF’s friend’s roommate showed up, also friends of ours. While they didn’t eat, we all chilled on the couches and watched Entourage. Almost like a little family. And a nice break from the usual raucous drunk times we normally have with this group of friends. It almost made me miss my roommates, almost.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
In Need of a Pick-Me-Up
Today I'm feeling a little frustrated and depressed, so for some fun and chill-time I surfed around on the Tiffany's website. It felt very Audrey Hepburn (except it was lunch, and online), and the movie really is correct- Tiffany's will always make you feel better.
I am loving the new key pendant collection and want to pick one out. However, Tiffany's is always better served as a gift, so maybe I will just drop a few hints to BF. Our two-year-anniversary is on its way. Pray to God he doesn't try to turn it into some cheesy "key to my heart" present. Gag me.
And of course, I played around with the engagement rings. Someday, one of those babies will be mine! (Preferably a 1.5 carat, princess cut set in platinum baby.)
I am loving the new key pendant collection and want to pick one out. However, Tiffany's is always better served as a gift, so maybe I will just drop a few hints to BF. Our two-year-anniversary is on its way. Pray to God he doesn't try to turn it into some cheesy "key to my heart" present. Gag me.
And of course, I played around with the engagement rings. Someday, one of those babies will be mine! (Preferably a 1.5 carat, princess cut set in platinum baby.)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I'm Trapped
I promise not to become one of those bloggers that spends all their time posting pictures of handmade goods- but it's true, I have fallen for
I've known about the site for some time, and visited here and there for a quick look, but yesterday I fell in. I decided to see if anyone had any quality black leather totes (not much luck), which led to three hours looking at headbands, two hours looking at necklaces, and another hour perusing the vintage section. Here are just a few of my favorites:
I've known about the site for some time, and visited here and there for a quick look, but yesterday I fell in. I decided to see if anyone had any quality black leather totes (not much luck), which led to three hours looking at headbands, two hours looking at necklaces, and another hour perusing the vintage section. Here are just a few of my favorites:
I haven't committed to purchasing anything yet, but I'm close. Does anyone else have the Etsy bug? How do you escape it!?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Appreciating The 'Burbs
As alluded to in my tweet from yesterday, I spent all of yesterday afternoon on Lake Minnetonka with BF and friends (and yes, more than one person felt the need to yell "We're on a BOAT!").
Although I grew up in the suburbs, since my move downtown I have developed a sort of irrational fear of them. It just seems there are too many cheery people, too many children, and most of all, too much space. Reverse-claustrophobia? Maybe.
But, for all my fears, I will always brave the 'burbs for an afternoon on the lake. To this day, after all my travels (even including my day spent on Lake Como in Northern Italy) I still believe Lake Minnetonka is the prettiest place on the planet. When BF's friend offered to take us out on his cruiser, we packed our bag and dug out our swimsuits, no questions asked.
The day was perfect (despite the dreary Fri/Sat) and so we spent a few hours on the lake drifting, then headed over to Maynard's for apps and drinks. Apps are not quite in my diet, but I tried a few chicken strips. My body actually sort of revolted against them... I'm thinking this is a good sign. As much as the fruit and veggies are exactly satisfying, at least my body knows that's what it's getting, and is getting used to it.
After Maynard's it was back to Wayzata Bay, then back downtown for BF and I. While I was glad to see the skyline of my beloved city, I must praise the 'burbs for offering up an excellent afternoon.
Although I grew up in the suburbs, since my move downtown I have developed a sort of irrational fear of them. It just seems there are too many cheery people, too many children, and most of all, too much space. Reverse-claustrophobia? Maybe.
But, for all my fears, I will always brave the 'burbs for an afternoon on the lake. To this day, after all my travels (even including my day spent on Lake Como in Northern Italy) I still believe Lake Minnetonka is the prettiest place on the planet. When BF's friend offered to take us out on his cruiser, we packed our bag and dug out our swimsuits, no questions asked.
The day was perfect (despite the dreary Fri/Sat) and so we spent a few hours on the lake drifting, then headed over to Maynard's for apps and drinks. Apps are not quite in my diet, but I tried a few chicken strips. My body actually sort of revolted against them... I'm thinking this is a good sign. As much as the fruit and veggies are exactly satisfying, at least my body knows that's what it's getting, and is getting used to it.
After Maynard's it was back to Wayzata Bay, then back downtown for BF and I. While I was glad to see the skyline of my beloved city, I must praise the 'burbs for offering up an excellent afternoon.
Friday, July 17, 2009
No Food For Me
Ok, so not really. I am still eating. But I might as well not be.
Last night I was laying on the couch, watching TV, and suddenly I noticed my skin was pudging out in new places. This worried me enough to step on the scale… bad idea.
So now I’m on a diet. I want to lose at least 10 to 15 pounds, maybe even 20 for that little extra insurance cushion. While I’m no nutritionist, or even all that knowledgeable about how to diet, here is my plan:
Fruits, veggies and chicken. For as long as it takes.
This means until I lose the weight, I will be eating a piece of fruit for breakfast, a piece of fruit or a salad for lunch, and a salad with some chicken or just chicken for dinner. Also, I will drink lots of water (and maybe the occasional diet pop), and take daily vitamins to make sure I keep getting the nutrients I am missing out on with my limited diet.
I came to my conclusion because I know fruits and veggies are healthy and not fattening (some of them, like apples, even help you lose weight!). Also, I know I need some protein, so I threw in the chicken because I feel like it’s the best option. Maybe, at the point I get really tired of chicken, I can throw in the occasional turkey or fish.
Does this seem like an idea that will work? Does anyone have any good tips or suggestions? Let me know!
P.S. Sorry to any readers who might have been confused, the sale going on today that I mentioned in my "Decisions, Decisions" post is NOT at GH2, but their original and feeder store Grethen House (also more expensive). This doesn't really change my plans, but it might change yours! Sorry for the confusion!
Last night I was laying on the couch, watching TV, and suddenly I noticed my skin was pudging out in new places. This worried me enough to step on the scale… bad idea.
So now I’m on a diet. I want to lose at least 10 to 15 pounds, maybe even 20 for that little extra insurance cushion. While I’m no nutritionist, or even all that knowledgeable about how to diet, here is my plan:
Fruits, veggies and chicken. For as long as it takes.
This means until I lose the weight, I will be eating a piece of fruit for breakfast, a piece of fruit or a salad for lunch, and a salad with some chicken or just chicken for dinner. Also, I will drink lots of water (and maybe the occasional diet pop), and take daily vitamins to make sure I keep getting the nutrients I am missing out on with my limited diet.
I came to my conclusion because I know fruits and veggies are healthy and not fattening (some of them, like apples, even help you lose weight!). Also, I know I need some protein, so I threw in the chicken because I feel like it’s the best option. Maybe, at the point I get really tired of chicken, I can throw in the occasional turkey or fish.
Does this seem like an idea that will work? Does anyone have any good tips or suggestions? Let me know!
P.S. Sorry to any readers who might have been confused, the sale going on today that I mentioned in my "Decisions, Decisions" post is NOT at GH2, but their original and feeder store Grethen House (also more expensive). This doesn't really change my plans, but it might change yours! Sorry for the confusion!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Fake Debate
For a long time, I thought knock-off designer handbags, clothing, shoes, and accessories were not only morally ok, but also a great way for me to look chic and sophisticated. How wrong I was.
While there are a range of views on the issue of fake designer-wear, I am firm in my belief that knock offs may make you look chic (to the untrained eye who can’t spot a fake in seconds), but there is nothing sophisticated with supporting the plagiarism of countless hours of work and creative energy high class designers put into their collections.
As a writer, I would be horrified if I saw a story I wrote re-printed, either completely or partially, under someone else’s name. And this is for work I maybe spend 10 hours on, at most. Obviously, my horror can’t compare to a designer’s upon seeing their work knocked off, when their product took hundreds of people weeks to make.
The cheap street vendors in New York and the purse parties are bad enough, but what makes me cringe is when reputable stores and designers with the ability to be original decide to take the easy way out and copy.
For instance, this morning, Laura Nelli of Nelle Handbags, a seriously fabulous local handbag and accessories line, tweeted how one bag (and possibly belts) in the new line by Jaye Hersh for Target were ripped off from other designers. For instance, the snakeskin bag:
Jaye Hersh Hollywood Intuition for Target Faux Snakeskin ToteWhile there are a range of views on the issue of fake designer-wear, I am firm in my belief that knock offs may make you look chic (to the untrained eye who can’t spot a fake in seconds), but there is nothing sophisticated with supporting the plagiarism of countless hours of work and creative energy high class designers put into their collections.
As a writer, I would be horrified if I saw a story I wrote re-printed, either completely or partially, under someone else’s name. And this is for work I maybe spend 10 hours on, at most. Obviously, my horror can’t compare to a designer’s upon seeing their work knocked off, when their product took hundreds of people weeks to make.
The cheap street vendors in New York and the purse parties are bad enough, but what makes me cringe is when reputable stores and designers with the ability to be original decide to take the easy way out and copy.
For instance, this morning, Laura Nelli of Nelle Handbags, a seriously fabulous local handbag and accessories line, tweeted how one bag (and possibly belts) in the new line by Jaye Hersh for Target were ripped off from other designers. For instance, the snakeskin bag:

You can decide for yourself, but while not an exact replica, it’s close enough that Laura tweeted that Beirn lawyers are addressing the situation.
This has happened before with Target, and while I love my hometown’s local retailer it upsets me that a large store with so many resources allows knock-offs on their shelves. Another example is Steve Madden, who can produce some beautiful original designs, but also takes “inspiration” from designers for a lot of his shoes.
Another reason I find knock-offs worthless is because they are so easy to spot. Just a few weeks ago, I saw a girl walking downtown with a “Chanel” handbag. Too bad for her, the C’s were stamped on and the leather was visibly fraying. Obviously not Chanel. If you can’t fool people with it, why buy it?
While I wish I could afford a Chanel bag right now, I would rather wait and save my money than blow it on a knock-off. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but when it comes to ripping off designers, I can find other ways to appreciate their work.
What does everyone else think? Do you buy fake? Why?
F is for Fashion,
S is for Shopping,
S is for Style
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Decisions, Decisions
I received a paycheck today (momentary break for a WHOHOO), but as fun as it is too see my account balance go up a large amount with one entry, now the hard part begins. What do I do with it?
With a steady income this summer and not many steady bills (the joys of being young and living cheap), I really want to focus on spending my money smartly and planning how to use it rather than just heading to the mall and blowing it every payday. Although that can be fun. Can I plan one paycheck for that? Hmm.
So, here are the options for this bi-weekly cash inflow. I think I know how it will go, but if you have any opinions, comment away!
Option #1: Beauty Products
If you haven't surmised from earlier posts, my skin and I are in a constant war against each other. This not only means I need make-up (lots), but I also need very specific kinds of make-up that won't cause a revolution of my pores. For many years I used Benefit products, but then seemingly overnight their concealers and foundations were so oily they might as well have been mixed with gasoline. Since changing, I have gone back to Clinique (from the early days when the most Mom would let me wear was a bit of peachy blush), to grocery store brands, to the latest- M.A.C. I know how everyone raves about M.A.C., but personally, I'm not liking it. It is very cakey, which is fine for nights out on the town, but sort of odd for mornings in the office. For my next round, which I am going to need sooner than later, I'm kicking it up a notch. Here's what I'm looking at:
With a steady income this summer and not many steady bills (the joys of being young and living cheap), I really want to focus on spending my money smartly and planning how to use it rather than just heading to the mall and blowing it every payday. Although that can be fun. Can I plan one paycheck for that? Hmm.
So, here are the options for this bi-weekly cash inflow. I think I know how it will go, but if you have any opinions, comment away!
Option #1: Beauty Products
If you haven't surmised from earlier posts, my skin and I are in a constant war against each other. This not only means I need make-up (lots), but I also need very specific kinds of make-up that won't cause a revolution of my pores. For many years I used Benefit products, but then seemingly overnight their concealers and foundations were so oily they might as well have been mixed with gasoline. Since changing, I have gone back to Clinique (from the early days when the most Mom would let me wear was a bit of peachy blush), to grocery store brands, to the latest- M.A.C. I know how everyone raves about M.A.C., but personally, I'm not liking it. It is very cakey, which is fine for nights out on the town, but sort of odd for mornings in the office. For my next round, which I am going to need sooner than later, I'm kicking it up a notch. Here's what I'm looking at:
Obviously, I would never get it all at once. But if I could have any make-up bag, that would be it.
Option #2:
Spa day. Or at least a spa half day. I could use a massage and maybe a facial or a mani/pedi, so I'm thinking about making an appointment(s) with my girls over at the Minneapolis LifeSpa. A 60 minute massage along with either a facial or a mani/pedi would probably run me around $200.
Option #3:
Haircut/Dye. I'm going to need a haircut soon, and have been thinking about having my color vamped up again for a while now, so this is a possibility. However, I really want to look fresh for fall, so I might just wait a month on this and have it done then. Cut and color will cost about the same as a spa day, $200.
Option #4:
Save it until Friday and head to GH2's 70 percent off sale! With my check, I should be able to pick up a few pieces, and anything at GH2 is fabulous.
The Decision: I think I shall wait until Friday and head over to GH2. I will check out the sale, see how many things I can't live without and then with (if) any leftover money I will head to the Nordstrom beauty counter for the essentials (foundation, eye shadow and maybe blush). Unfortunately, pampering (spa day and hair care) will have to wait for the end of the month.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How I Could Be Dying and Not Even Know It
That might be a bit dramatic, but I have learned over the past three weeks how true it is. At the start of summer, I realized I've been behind on doctor's appointments, and a few annoying problems I have been having both with my skin and a general bloated feeling finally pushed me to make appointments.
After the first visit to a family doctor about my inflated feelings, I walked out terrified. He became very concerned about my "condition" and even had me make an appointment for an expensive CAT scan, in case blood tests came back indicating I might have swollen organs. Seriously.
So for five days I waited, and waited, and waited some more to hear back about my blood tests. I went in on a Friday, so I understood when I didn't hear anything over the weekend, but by Wednesday I was getting impatient (rightfully so!) and my scan was coming up in two days. Finally, I gave in and called them. Left a message. Then, on Friday, when I wasn't sure what to do about the CAT scan, I got a call back indicating everything was fine, they had no clue what was wrong with me, but I shouldn't worry about it. Really? After all that? And I shouldn't worry about it? Ok. Fine.
Moving on to appointment #2. I was put on an antibiotic to help my acne, and after taking it for a few days I didn't notice any difference except I was dizzy all the time. I thought the medication might have been the cause, but I didn't want to stop taking it and decided to see if it would pass. Three days later, on my back on the couch for 48 hours straight, I decided no one would even get to see my clear skin if I didn't get better. I went off the meds, and immediately returned to my happy-go-lucky Minneapolite ways. I prayed it was just a fluke, and tried them again later that week, but three days later my head was spinning and I gave up. I called the doctor about new medication last week, and just finally heard back today. While not as serious as Doctor #1, it still annoys me that I am sick and not even a doctor will help me! Not even when they and their stupid tests/medications are the cause of my pain and suffering! Ugh.
So now, a new perscription. I'm almost scared to go pick it up. Who knows what will happen to me (or how long it will take a doctor to get back to me when it does!)
After the first visit to a family doctor about my inflated feelings, I walked out terrified. He became very concerned about my "condition" and even had me make an appointment for an expensive CAT scan, in case blood tests came back indicating I might have swollen organs. Seriously.
So for five days I waited, and waited, and waited some more to hear back about my blood tests. I went in on a Friday, so I understood when I didn't hear anything over the weekend, but by Wednesday I was getting impatient (rightfully so!) and my scan was coming up in two days. Finally, I gave in and called them. Left a message. Then, on Friday, when I wasn't sure what to do about the CAT scan, I got a call back indicating everything was fine, they had no clue what was wrong with me, but I shouldn't worry about it. Really? After all that? And I shouldn't worry about it? Ok. Fine.
Moving on to appointment #2. I was put on an antibiotic to help my acne, and after taking it for a few days I didn't notice any difference except I was dizzy all the time. I thought the medication might have been the cause, but I didn't want to stop taking it and decided to see if it would pass. Three days later, on my back on the couch for 48 hours straight, I decided no one would even get to see my clear skin if I didn't get better. I went off the meds, and immediately returned to my happy-go-lucky Minneapolite ways. I prayed it was just a fluke, and tried them again later that week, but three days later my head was spinning and I gave up. I called the doctor about new medication last week, and just finally heard back today. While not as serious as Doctor #1, it still annoys me that I am sick and not even a doctor will help me! Not even when they and their stupid tests/medications are the cause of my pain and suffering! Ugh.
So now, a new perscription. I'm almost scared to go pick it up. Who knows what will happen to me (or how long it will take a doctor to get back to me when it does!)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday Lustings
A long weekend has given way to an even longer Monday, so to pass the time I have been ogling designer sites, lusting after the buttery leather handbags, sky-high heels, and chic accessories. Here is a small sampling of what I've been dreaming about today:

MICHAEL Michael Kors Wainscott Satchel,, $398
Marc by Marc Jacobs Large Satchel, Net-A-Porter, $548
Ray Ban Wayfarers, Net-A-Porter, $140
And that shall conclude the handbag, shoe, and sunglasses porn for the day. I personally will probably pick up the Wayfarers, but as for that $995 might have to wait for another day, another (bigger) paycheck.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Le Rêve
Last night I dreamed in French. While I adore l'français, I have struggled with the language for many years and was shocked upon waking to realize I not only spoke decently in my dream myself, but also understood what my dream cohorts (who were French and speaking very eloquently and quickly) were saying.
I have taken French both in l'école and studied it on my own for the past 8 years. I finally stopped classes during my freshman year of college because past the requirements for language the classes get very difficult and time consuming, especially for someone who isn't getting a degree. Even still, I struggled with giving it up because I felt that after so much study I should have more to show for it than a small vocabulary and almost no ability to coherently speak (reading I can do).
But last night, I was mingling and discussing far beyond any skills I have in real life. And I think I was actually speaking the language, not just a made up dream version that was real in only my head. Maybe my dream skills will translate into waking life. Lucky for me, I can try out my ability this weekend at Bastille Day!
Is anyone else attending? If you see a girl struggling to be chic and telling everyone, "But this worked in my dreams," then my cover might be blown.
I have taken French both in l'école and studied it on my own for the past 8 years. I finally stopped classes during my freshman year of college because past the requirements for language the classes get very difficult and time consuming, especially for someone who isn't getting a degree. Even still, I struggled with giving it up because I felt that after so much study I should have more to show for it than a small vocabulary and almost no ability to coherently speak (reading I can do).
But last night, I was mingling and discussing far beyond any skills I have in real life. And I think I was actually speaking the language, not just a made up dream version that was real in only my head. Maybe my dream skills will translate into waking life. Lucky for me, I can try out my ability this weekend at Bastille Day!
Is anyone else attending? If you see a girl struggling to be chic and telling everyone, "But this worked in my dreams," then my cover might be blown.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
STYLEDLIFE Throws Party That's Well...Stylish
Tonight I was lucky enough to be invited to STYLEDLIFE's Vintage Glam Private Sale. Although I am on shopping hiatus after my Cliche spree this weekend, I stopped by to say hello to the fabulous owner/founder Kevin (who was rocking an awesome pair of 1970's (my guess) shoes!), sip on champagne, and eat. What can I say, free cheese and crackers, I'm there.
Not to mention the LOADS of fabulous vintage accessories. Kevin and his team scour the nation all year long for the pieces, so you know it's got to be good. I loved a blue and red scarf, made in Paris, but my still-pained check card just wouldn't let me swipe it. Oh well.
The sale continues through the end of July, so stop in if you weren't able to score an invite. I might have to make another trip, when my wallet has been replenished. :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A Congressional Encounter
In honor today of Minnesota's second Senator (finally), I have decided to recount (pun intended) my first and only meeting with the junior Senator Franken. While brief, it was memorable.
Last summer, while working for a small rural newspaper, I was asked to sit in on an interview with the then-plain-Mr. Franken and take pictures. He was stopping through for some reason or another, and offered to talk with us. My editor thought it would be fun for me to sit in and listen, and also take some of the pressure off the reporter writing the story by letting her focus on her questions and note-taking while I snapped away candid shots (or as candid as you can be in a conference room). I was excited to get to meet him and sit in on what would no doubt be an interesting conversation.
As a disclaimer, the following impressions come from a purely journalistic and professional perspective, not a political or personal one. The reason I say that is because the whole experience was terribly strange.
First, I introduced myself and informed him and his handler I would be taking pictures while he was answering questions. He said that was fine, and then mispronounced my name. My name is two syllables, fairly common, not hard to pronounce, so I was a little taken aback. I corrected him, so he apologized, again mispronouncing my name. I was going to let it go, but the look of shock on my face (I promise, no one has ever mispronounced my name, first or last) led his handler to pronounce my name to him again. He looked at her, questioned my name, getting it wrong again, and then finally, after another correction from the handler, got it right. Well. Now that we've got the names down, let's start the interview.
To give him some credit, he was a very interesting person. When the reporter could get him off the subject of badgering Norm (we didn't want to have to call the Coleman camp for a response on this piece), he had some insightful thoughts and clearly laid out his plans for office. When it came to picture-taking, well, that was more of a task. The first picture he stopped what he was saying to look directly at the camera and smile. I excused it, and politley told him I was taking candid shots and he should pretend like I wasn't there. In the end, the first picture was the only decent one I could get. The camera must have made him very uncomfortable, because with every click he shifted in his chair and got a disturbed look on his face. Even kind of creepy.
Finally, the interview was over. The reporter and I showed him out of the office, and while walking to the door Mr. Franken proceeded to put his arm around me in a sort of "half-hug" that I was shocked to receive. It was very uncomfortable, even the reporter did a double-take. Maybe he was trying to apologize, maybe he thought a hug would get him a vote, but either way, it lacked professionalism and created an awkward situation. Thankfully, he soon walked out the door.
And so, although I didn't know it at the time, that was my first, only, and probably last encounter with the former-comic-turned-Senator. Short, but not so sweet.
Last summer, while working for a small rural newspaper, I was asked to sit in on an interview with the then-plain-Mr. Franken and take pictures. He was stopping through for some reason or another, and offered to talk with us. My editor thought it would be fun for me to sit in and listen, and also take some of the pressure off the reporter writing the story by letting her focus on her questions and note-taking while I snapped away candid shots (or as candid as you can be in a conference room). I was excited to get to meet him and sit in on what would no doubt be an interesting conversation.
As a disclaimer, the following impressions come from a purely journalistic and professional perspective, not a political or personal one. The reason I say that is because the whole experience was terribly strange.
First, I introduced myself and informed him and his handler I would be taking pictures while he was answering questions. He said that was fine, and then mispronounced my name. My name is two syllables, fairly common, not hard to pronounce, so I was a little taken aback. I corrected him, so he apologized, again mispronouncing my name. I was going to let it go, but the look of shock on my face (I promise, no one has ever mispronounced my name, first or last) led his handler to pronounce my name to him again. He looked at her, questioned my name, getting it wrong again, and then finally, after another correction from the handler, got it right. Well. Now that we've got the names down, let's start the interview.
To give him some credit, he was a very interesting person. When the reporter could get him off the subject of badgering Norm (we didn't want to have to call the Coleman camp for a response on this piece), he had some insightful thoughts and clearly laid out his plans for office. When it came to picture-taking, well, that was more of a task. The first picture he stopped what he was saying to look directly at the camera and smile. I excused it, and politley told him I was taking candid shots and he should pretend like I wasn't there. In the end, the first picture was the only decent one I could get. The camera must have made him very uncomfortable, because with every click he shifted in his chair and got a disturbed look on his face. Even kind of creepy.
Finally, the interview was over. The reporter and I showed him out of the office, and while walking to the door Mr. Franken proceeded to put his arm around me in a sort of "half-hug" that I was shocked to receive. It was very uncomfortable, even the reporter did a double-take. Maybe he was trying to apologize, maybe he thought a hug would get him a vote, but either way, it lacked professionalism and created an awkward situation. Thankfully, he soon walked out the door.
And so, although I didn't know it at the time, that was my first, only, and probably last encounter with the former-comic-turned-Senator. Short, but not so sweet.
Monday, July 6, 2009
I'm Back
After last week's hiatus, Minneapolite has returned! You know you missed me :)
Sorry for the break, but some new medication my dermatologist has me on caused some unforeseeable side-effects, mainly me being unable to move from the couch for the better part of last week. Between that and the holiday, not much time for blog-posting.
But, just barely enough time for shopping. I was able to make it out for Cliche's annual summer sale, and I was glad I did! Even though it was extended to Sunday, there was no way you were getting anything good if you showed up late. I arrived fashionably on time (i.e. 11:30 a.m.) and already the wait for a dressing room was 20 minutes long. Add another 15 minutes when I went over the 10-item limit and had to wait again (infuriating), and I spent more time waiting than shopping.
Even still, it was worth it. I picked up five new dresses and a skirt, and supported a few local designers (my favorite dress of the day was made by the fabulous Emily Weich). Maybe you'll catch me sporting them around town this week. I have lots of catching up to do after being out of commission.
Sorry for the break, but some new medication my dermatologist has me on caused some unforeseeable side-effects, mainly me being unable to move from the couch for the better part of last week. Between that and the holiday, not much time for blog-posting.
But, just barely enough time for shopping. I was able to make it out for Cliche's annual summer sale, and I was glad I did! Even though it was extended to Sunday, there was no way you were getting anything good if you showed up late. I arrived fashionably on time (i.e. 11:30 a.m.) and already the wait for a dressing room was 20 minutes long. Add another 15 minutes when I went over the 10-item limit and had to wait again (infuriating), and I spent more time waiting than shopping.
Even still, it was worth it. I picked up five new dresses and a skirt, and supported a few local designers (my favorite dress of the day was made by the fabulous Emily Weich). Maybe you'll catch me sporting them around town this week. I have lots of catching up to do after being out of commission.
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